University Tenancy Keys

0,99  / month and a 0,99  sign-up fee
Social Creds : 10Points

Activate E residency for affiliated beneficiaries of University, High School, Professional School, Research Institution, Open Learning Schools, and E-learning Platforms.


Institutional Access to Tenancy Keys

For Universities, High Schools, Professional Schools, Research Institutions, Open Learning Schools, and E-learning Platforms for registration of affiliated student members on the network’s beneficiary registry.

Affiliated beneficiaries like students and faculty can then use Trust keys to access any digital resources and to manage data residency and social finance services deployed on the Open Constitution AI network, a digital commons infrastructure.

Placing a request activates E Residency lease for each affiliated (natural person) beneficiary and provides access to the network resources;

  • Activates a beneficiary membership account with the Trust fiscal host in your local jurisdiction.
  • Each natural person receives a right-to-use and entitlement grant to Open Constitution AI Network Digital Resources and intellectual property rights. A natural person can manage data residency using these entitlements.
  • Member access to Organizational Tenant offers & benefits.


  • E residency benefits of the natural person includes:

    E Residency access to

  • CouncilPost journal

  • Foundation School

  • Sentient Bot

  • Jobs and bounties in the Foundation.


  • Signs up a natural person for privileged access to adopted charters of the Foundation.

  • You get a wallet which holds a community token to be able to participate in ballot.


  • Gets member-privileged access to Electoral Charter
  • Activation of E residency universal franchise – you get one vote.
  • A member can control Open Treasury proposals and resolutions.
  • A member can self-govern the network and steer proposals.


  • This request requires self-ID verification. Verification takes place when an affiliated natural person claims their E residency account.
  • The request requires consent to the Open Constitution AI network’s Global Statutes and Articles of Association. Each affiliated beneficiary signs up to the AI Network Self-Governance agreement when claiming their accounts.
  • The request registers natural persons with the local membership registry run by the fiscal host based on the Organization’s and affiliated beneficiary’s tax residency.
  • The request involves signing up for Contributor License Clarification if any affiliated beneficiary makes voluntary contributions after joining the Trust.